Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing? |  A Complete Guide of 2024



Did you know? Using digital marketing you can get more sales & leads than traditional marketing. In this article I have planned to discuss, what is digital marketing? & How Digital Marketing works? Digital Marketing is like a Lifesaver for those who want to sell their products And want to get engagement and leads.

The pace of digital marketing is growing rapidly. Now traditional marketing has no weight like digital marketing. If you want to succeed in an eCommerce store or want to get engagement you have to use It in this era. This sector is estimated to reach a very large $786 billion by 2026.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the strategy of promoting your business by using applications, websites, search engines, social media, Emails and other digital ways. It is also called online marketing. It has the power to change the business in the world.

A group of business professionals drawing a digital marketing diagram on a table.

Digital Marketing contains the opportunity for marketers to interact with customers and build trust. You can run campaigns and can get benefits faster than traditional marketing, also it is more cost-effective than traditional marketing. 

In this Era digital marketing is getting considered the fastest growing in demand job skills for 2024. The fact is digital marketing jobs are set to increase by 6% by 2032.

How Digital Marketing Works?

Using Advertisements:

Using digital marketing you can add advertisements to promote your products, there are many different types of advertisements available, you can add video ads in facebook reels, facebook videos and youtube videos. Ads on google search are also very well performing, banner ads can also get you good sales.

Using Social Media:

You can contact and engage users to make connections through social media platforms, Here is an Example: You can join facebook groups related to your niche, you will need to provide best value content to the group after becoming famous in that group you can offer your services.

Using Email Marketing:

If you want to gain customers using email marketing you can use these types of tips, if you have a blog you can add Email forum that can be used in your posts and page, in that forum you can offer something like free ebook or another something that is related to you niche, whenever they complete forum like adding their email and name they will receive your free offer, after that  every week you can email them and offer your services that you suggest for them, many successful digital marketers apply these marketing strategies. 

If you can’t afford a blog you can use free funnels like they offer you Limited free funnels that you can use for applying these types of strategies.

Impact of Digital Marketing on Business

Digital marketing has a huge and rapidly growing impact on business.  Communication has been change with customers now we don’t advertise as the way we did traditional marketing advertisement is still in existing but if you want to really success in your business you have to do digital marketing to get succeed the product has most of the products are selling in e-commerce now users need new technology like digital marketing buy and sell. 

In this Era consumers are more attached emotionally with the seller they can buy anything anytime anywhere they can also chat with each other. Advertisements have been changed in the form of video ads banner ads post ads now you can get results faster than traditional marketing and it is also quite more cost-effective than traditional marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing

As we have a already discussed any transaction of buying are selling or any communication with consumers and sellers using digital technology is called digital marketing, but we will discuss here types of digital marketing with some description:

In a collaborative effort, two hands grasp a tablet displaying “Digital Marketing” text alongside a doodle icon, symbolizing creativity and innovation in digital marketing strategies.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is also a strategy of digital marketing this is creation and distribution of valuable content, content marketing has different forms like blogs, videos, and ebooks or content that is used to entertain the user, like video ads that many brands make some funny or entertaining video ads, that is called content marketing, the ultimate goal of the content marketing is to engage users and drive profitable leads and sales.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Search Engine Optimisation is a process of ranking websites higher and getting visitors on websites. Websites can serve different services like information blogs, (SaaS software as a service) or it can be a portfolio . It is a very cost-effective method to get engagement but also Search Engine Optimisation has high competition and very difficulty.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

It is a type of paid advertising in search engines. It is also very effective but it can be very costly but in this type there is no difficulty, you can choose any keyword a title where you want to add advertisement many brands use this strategy to increase their visibility and profit.

Social Media Marketing (SMM):

This is the way of using social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. You can share your content, interact with people and make them your customer by adding valuable and entertaining content on social media platforms. This is the most amazing strategy I ever knew.

Email Marketing:

This strategy allows you to interact with your existing customers and send them routinely offers to make a bond of relationship with them and engage with them. It can help you to build trust and repeat purchases.

Mobile Marketing:

Mobile marketing is a strategy of reaching your potential customers by using mobile and tablet mobile marketing includes strategies like website, application, SMS, push notification, and QR code. Mobile marketing has the power to provide you better engagement and boost conversation.

Inbound Marketing versus Digital Marketing

Inbound marketing and digital marketing are two different strategies but related to each other. Inbound marketing focus on long term relationships and goals, while Digital marketing is a broad term that covers Every Type of marketing that happens digitally:

Some examples to digital marketing tactics:

These are tactics: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Email Marketing and Mobile Marketing. These are most used in digital marketing.

Some examples to Inbound Marketing tactics:

These are some tactics mostly used inbound marketing: blogging, content offers, conversion elements, lead nurturing, and customer delight. 

B2B versus B2C Digital Marketing

B2B and B2C are two different marketing strategies B2B stand for (business-to-business) while B2C stand-for (business-to-consumer) . In B2B marketing you will target businesses to sell your products while in B2C you will target individual consumers:

  • Relationship Building: B2B marketing used to focus on long term relationships while In B2B marketing mostly focused on creating immediate and emotional connections.
  • Buying Cycle: In B2B marketing sales are long term but have a complex buying cycle like in B2B marketing committee our team decide to buy something. While in B2C marketing buying cycle is not long term, in B2B marketing only individuals decide to buy something.
  • Target Audience: B2B Marketing usually targets a smaller and more niche based audience, in B2B marketing usually products or services more specialized and tailored for specific industries or segments.
  • Communication: B2B marketing uses formal and professional language, as B2B Marketing’s customers are already Businesses so they need to to fulfill their expectation no humor or emotions usually work there. While in B2C marketing communication can be informal and casual there will be a need for humor, storytelling and tone and style should resonate with personality.
  • Content and Advertising: B2B Marketing relies on informal content to educate, inform and convince customers. B2B Marketers need to create Blogs, whitepapers, webinars, and case studies to show their expertise to their customers while B2C Marketers need to create banner ads, video ads, pop-ups that show the brand and it’s value.

FAQs about Digital Marketing

  1. Does Digital Marketing Work for All Businesses?

In my opinion digital marketing can work for all businesses. In this era of digital technology every business needs an online portfolio for making business a brand and approaching their target.

If any business is not using digital marketing to increase their visibility, they are missing a lot. Digital Marketing works like magic, in my opinion people should give priority to digital marketing before starting a business.

  1. Where to Learn Digital Marketing for Free?

There are many free platforms you can learn digital marketing, but YouTube is the best platform to learn digital marketing also we have started series of digital marketing and e-commerce at GTLD BUSINESS you can read daily new articles this is our first article of our series of digital marketing.

  1. How to build a Career in Digital Marketing?

Career of digital marketing is one of the highest paying. You have to learn digital marketing and be professional if you need to create your portfolio. If you want to go with free learning you need to showcase your expertise in your portfolio.

If you want to learn, you can get jobs just by showing your certificates but if you make a portfolio for that also chances will be high. You can find jobs on linkedin by showing your work.


Let;s Conclude the article, In this article, we have explored: What is Digital Marketing? it’s clear that digital marketing is the must for businesses today. We have seen how it is more effective than traditional marketing, driving sales and leads while being cost-effective than Traditional Marketing.

Digital marketing is not just a tool—it is a lifeline for businesses in the digital age. It lets them connect directly with customers, build trust, and grow. And with its projected growth, it is obvious that mastering digital marketing will open up great career opportunities.

As I usually say, digital marketing is not just a strategy—it is a game-changer for businesses. It transforms how they reach customers and succeed in today’s world. So, it’s clear that in today’s fast-paced business world, using digital marketing is not just a good idea—it’s a must.


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